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The DreamMate

The ZONE Sports Unit
Dreams are a window into our unconscious. Our unconscious mind possesses that unique ability to help us problem solve and tap our deeper creative energies while we are sleeping. Did you know a number of the world's greatest writers, inventors and musicians credit some of their greatest work directly to their dreams? Alexander Graham Bell is an example, it is a well documented fact that he did his most creative inventing while napping. You can do this too!

The ability to remember and understand your dreams can give you a powerful edge in all endeavors in your life. With just a little effort you can actually learn how to control your dreams to help in every aspect of your life. This is where the Dream Mate system comes in. We give you all the training tools to help you take full advantage of the power of your dreams.

The complete kit for improving dream recall and dreamwork How often have your dreams just slipped away by the time you awaken? In as little as one or two sessions Dream Mate will train you to remember those elusive events through our sophisticated Dream Alert capability.

Dream Recall Technology
Here is a device that bridges the gap between you and your dreams. Tiny infrared motion sensors monitor your eyelid movement throughout the night. When it detects that you are in the REM state (rapid eye movement) associated with the dream state, it gently signals you with flashing light or audible sound a few minutes into your dream, acting to alert you to become aware that you are dreaming. Research shows that if you wake up while your dream is in progress, your chances of remembering your dream is vastly improved.

And dream recall is the first step to the exciting realm of developing lucid dreaming skills. A lucid dream is where you become aware of the fact that you are dreaming while it is in progress. The ability to lucid dream is prized by many ancient cultures. Lucid dreaming allows you to travel to far off places and conduct all kinds of amazing activities like controlled flight at your leisure. You can actually live in two distinct worlds and get more out of both. There is nothing mysterious about it. It is simply a matter of awakening your conscious mind without awakening your physical body.

Ease of Use
It is exceptionally easy to use with a minimum of instructions. But, Dream Mate is more than a sophisticated dream alarm clock. The programmable microprocessor controlled circuitry is flexible and powerful enough to allow you to fully customize operation to match your own preferences and sleep patterns.

Inside the Dream Mate mask lies the brains - the REM detection and programming circuitry where you will find the motion detectors, cueing lights and audio alarm. The specially developed flexible circuit board fits behind a comfortable protective foam liner. The adjustable straps assures you a comfortable fit. While you sleep Dream Mate is on the job. It's tiny, ultra low power infrared motion detectors patiently wait for you to enter the dream state.

The DreamMate kit includes:

  1. The comfortable Dream Mask
  2. Your personal dream journal for recording dreams
  3. Light Pen to help you put your most important thoughts and impressions to paper in the middle of the night
  4. One of the best general purpose dream interpretation books available:
    The Dream Dictionary, by Tony Crisp
  5. Fully illustrated 28-page User's Guide and Reference
  6. Complete with batteries for immediate operation