Spanish Banner: Intercambio de Enlaces
Spanish Banner: Intercambio de Enlaces.

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Your First Week
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Day 1

Spend at least one 20 minute session in a relaxed position of your choice. It can be sitting or lying down. Give yourself a few minutes before beginning to adjust and get comfortable. Read the descriptions and start with a session which appeals to you. There is no one magic session for everyone. As unique human beings we will each prefer different selections.

Once you decide on your session, start by taking a few deep breaths, exhaling slowly and completely. Breath from your diaphragm rather than your chest. When you are doing this correctly your stomach will move in and out with each breath. Pay attention only to your breathing: focus completely on it. Notice your feelings, your thoughts and sensations, and allow them to flow through you uncritically.

Day 2
Again, spend at least one 20 minute period with your machine. Focus on each breath. Visualize yourself relaxed, refreshed and more able to cope with daily pressures and annoyances.

Day 3
Today, in addition to focusing on your breath, learn to start focusing inward. Put all your concentration at an imaginary point slightly above and between your eyes. Stay with this point of concentration throughout your entire session.

Day 4
Now you are starting to develop a daily routine. If this is difficult, look at what small changes you can make for this to be an important part of your day. Run one of the longer sessions if you like, and see how that feels.

Day 5
Continue with at least one 20 - 30 minute program of your choice. Stay with your schedule. Notice your breathing patterns especially during stressful parts of your day. Are you out of touch with your body? Just practice your breathing exercise during these times.

Day 6
By now you should have a good pattern in place, this is important -- stay with it. Notice your muscle tension during your session. Try a simple exercise of tensing and releasing different muscle groups, and focus on your breathing. Notice how you feel at the end of this session. Compare your thoughts, sensations and feelings to your first couple of days. Do you notice any differences now?

Day 7
You are learning to introduce greater relaxation in your life. You will find yourself more relaxed under many different situations. The quality of your life can improve in as little as a few days. Imagine yourself after several months of regular practice: how good you will feel, how much better your experience of the world will be.

Now continue to develop a focused yet relaxed awareness during your sessions. Allow yourself to flow with your experience wherever it takes you. Watch your creative energies begin to blossom as you enter deeper and deeper states of relaxation. Little by little you will notice subtle yet powerful changes transforming your experience of the world around you. Enjoy, you deserve it!