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About us
Light & Sound

The ZONE Sports Unit The Zone      The ZONE


The about-to-be-released Sportslink, code named "The Zone" is by far the best product we have ever developed. It is superior to nearly every other technique on the market today in what we think is really important - bringing about dramatic improvement in one's life quickly and easily.

You can probably guess what the Sportslink is designed to do - enhance performance. But that is just part of the story! This is a highly advanced peak performance product. It is designed for people in all areas of sports,business, and education who are already driven to reach for the moon - and beyond. These are people who want to live and breath in the heady world of the elite performer.

The Sportslink is designed for people with big, bright, clear goals in their life. People who know they are capable of being the best and really, truly believe in themselves. People who know one person can make a difference. If that begins to describe you, then read on!

People who believe in their talents and abilities know what it takes to be in that top one percent, they seek education, attitude adjustment, specific techniques and tools to realize their full potential. Perhaps the goal is to shave one-tenth of a second off a time, or one or two strokes off agame. Perhaps to be able to travel through a dozen different time zones, jump off the plane and go straight to work feeling refreshed, focused and in command. Or, to sail through the trials and tribulations of a major undertaking such as passing the bar exam, or perhaps not just making it to the Olympics, but winning the gold! The point is that you are alreadyaccomplishing things many others fear to even dream of. You know you have it in you to do better then anyone else.

Our Goal
We set out to make this the easiest, most effective product on the market for helping people take an important step towards realizing their dreams and goals. We think we have done that - and much more. Clearly, this product is not for everyone, nor will we pretend that it is. It is for people who want to win and want to accomplish.

We have been quietly testing the Sportslink on a number of high caliber individuals throughout this year and can tell you that nearly every single peak performer who has been fortunate to use one of our half-dozen or so early prototypes has come away believing our latest technology can and does make a difference in their level of performance.

If you are the type of person that has the drive, confidence and desire to excel at whatever you do then the Sportslink is definitely going to be for you. But if you are the kind of person that sits around waiting for something positive to happen, or you are too locked up in your world to affect positive change, then you belong elsewhere.

You have to be in command of a winning attitude before moving on to this, or at minimum be willing to view yourself as a winner. You have to realize that you, and you alone are responsible for the success in your life.

The Sportslink is there to guide you into the deeper reaches of your subconscious It is there to help you unlock blocks in your performance, or to find the source of that elusive area within each of us known as "The Zone." If you use this technology with an open and active mind you are sure to realize success. It is a tool for assimilating the best within yourself.

We believe simplicity in form and function is a sign of true advancement in product design. You will find a simplified list of features. The Sportslink has a total of 12 carefully developed, goal-oriented sessions. It also has
our patented AudioStrobe™ circuitry built in. The only user adjustable features are volume and brightness - that's all! The use guide is clear and concise. Everything comes together in perfect harmony.

Like to learn more? Unfortunately the first shipments are pretty much spoken for. They are quietly being put in the hands of the elite in numerous areas of the athletic world. But let us know you are interested and we will inform you when the product is officially released to the general public.

You will succeed if you believe you can!